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Tour Optic 2000 made me want to eat Indian food


Tour Optic 2000 made me want to eat Indian food

Permalink 23:28:46 by Stephan, Categories: English , Tags: luxembourg, optic 2000, tour optic2000, traffic chaos
Optic2000 traffic jam

I can't believe I'm blogging about Indian food again. Actually, I don't even know why I had Indian food tonight. It wasn't just me. All of my friends where suddenly craving Indian food. Could this be an unknown side effect of inhaling petrol fumes?

Optic2000 Luxembourg arrival

Wait a second...:

Tour Auto Optic 2000 arrival in Luxembourg + rush hour + police forcing regular drivers to let the rally cars through = enormous traffic jam. Chaotic traffic -> traffic like in India -> Indian food! :D

Optic2000 traffic jam

Makes sense to me.

In case you're wondering if you've missed anything by not going to the Glacis Field to watch the arrival of the Tour Optic2000: I don't think so. The only place where you could get close to the cars was at the entrance, elsewhere the view looked more like this:

Fun for a few, traffic jams for the rest

Here's the most interesting vehicle: ;)


You could still watch the departure Friday morning at 6:30h.

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