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Luxembourg: Last three "Supermarché Boon" closing?


Luxembourg: Last three "Supermarché Boon" closing?

Bad news for employees and customers of the last remaining Boon supermarkets in Pétange, Schifflange and Rodange: According to wort.lu and Eldoradio, these supermarkets have closed their doors for good today (Saturday). Wort.lu quotes an employee saying that salaries for December have not been paid yet.

I made it to the Boon supermarket in Schifflange just minutes before closing time, hoping to find my favourite Brazilian softdrink, which used to be available in the Boon supermarket in Luxembourg City. What I found, however, were mostly empty shelves:

Supermarché Boon Schifflange

If you happen to have an idea where I can get Guaraná Antarctica in Luxembourg, please leave a comment.

BTW, d'Land has a dossier (in French) on the Boon supermarket in Luxembourg City, which was sold and then closed last year (yes, that was the one with the Guaraná).

Update April 11, 2009: Good news, the supermarket in the Galeria Konz (close to the train station) reopened about 3 months ago as a "Supermarché Primavera" (which I only found out after reading this article). They're selling Guaraná in cans and bottles (4,95 EUR for 6 cans). :)

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