Bored in Luxembourg? Go see the Multiculture Festival at Luxexpo!
You probably wouldn’t like me if you met me early in the morning. If I don’t get enough sleep, my mind goes into “Charlie Brooker“-mode. In this kind of situation, it’s best not talk to me so that whatever goes through my head stays there. This morning I had to get up unusually early for…
Chinese dragons in Taiwan – then and now
While I prefer the traditional style, life does become easier if you imagine everyone as a cute and slightly dopey cartoon figure. Happy Year of the Dragon!
An interactive glimpse of the horror of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami
You see blue skies, fishing boats on a calm sea and green hills in the distance. Then you look to your left and notice a huge heap of rubble. It is August 2011, you are now in Onagawa, Japan, a little fishing town, “a community created by the ocean and destroyed by it.”.