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They're doing it again: pay what you want for five games


They're doing it again: pay what you want for five games

Permalink 00:54:38 by Stephan, Categories: English , Tags: games, humblebundle

Plus, you can support several charities, end the economic crisis and save the polar bears. Or something like that, I'm a bit tired and haven't had a lot of time to play most of the games which came with the first Humble Indie Bumble. However, this is opportunity is too good to miss.*

Get it on www.humblebundle.com.

* Think about it, you can't lose: Even if you never play the games you'll have supported several good causes (future game development, an innovative sales model and charity).

1 comment

Comment from: Capital George [Visitor]
Capital GeorgeJust bought it and it's an excellent deal! I've bought it for Machinarium, Braid and Osmos, but the other 2 games are good as well.
2010-12-21 @ 19:15

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