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P&T Luxembourg: showing you what inflation feels like


P&T Luxembourg: showing you what inflation feels like

Permalink 10:59:33 by Stephan, Categories: English , Tags: new prices, p&t, q'pack, q'pack+
P&T exceeding speed limit

Have you ever had the chance to experience hyperinflation? No? Good news for you: just head to the nearest post office in Luxembourg and send a parcel to - let's say - Switzerland. What used to cost 15,65€ for 4kg just two days ago is now 26€ - a 66% price increase.

While you're there, you might also notice that the Q'Pack+ service has been discontinued in July (though some of its features are now part of the standard Q'Pack).

Pay more, get less, that's what many economists think is inevitably coming, so you might as well get used to it. P&T actually went very far to bring you the most realistic hyperinflation experience, publishing the new prices just two days before they became effective, thereby surprising not only their customers, but also their apologetic employees.

I'd also like to thank all private parcel services* whose cherry-picking focus on business customers has contributed to making this experience possible.

* In all fairness, GLS does have 3 parcel shops in remote corners of Luxembourg.

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