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Howald tunnel chaos ahead


Howald tunnel chaos ahead

Permalink 13:14:05 by Stephan, Categories: English , Tags: howald, tunnel

Preparatory works at the Howald tunnel (A1) are starting this weekend, leading to the following traffic restrictions from Friday (28.05.) 20:00h until Sunday 06:00h (source):

  • direction Trier: complete closure between "Croix de Gasperich" and "Irrgarten".
  • direction Gasperich: only one lane available between "Kirchberg" and "Croix de Gasperich".

The actual works are scheduled to start June 28 and are going to last until November. Since there are no viable alternative routes, you'll probably be telling your grandchildren about the legendary traffic jams:

"Back when oil was still plentiful, I used to drive my car to the bank where I worked and that one summer they had to renovate the tunnel and..."
"Mom, Grandpa needs his pills! He's talking gibberish again!"

Here's the official website for the tunnel works with further information.

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