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Would you pay for problems?


Would you pay for problems?

Remember the movie "The Game"*? Transfer the same basic idea to the internet and you get needaproblem.com (German only, so far).

What surprised me is not that there are people who'd like to make their lives more problematic - just replace "problem" with "challenge" - but that they're actually willing to pay for the pleasure. Despite the abundance of challenges available for free on the internet, needaproblem.com has already sold more than 700 problems, including some in the 500,- EUR category. Now all the founders have to do is to set up a website where they charge people for creating problems (wanttomakeaproblem.com?) and they'd have a perpetuum mobile.

This might lead to the end of the world as we know it, which is why I have to step in here and give away problems for free! If that makes you feel bad, use the donation button.

Today's free problems / challenges:

Download Windows 7 beta! That's right, Microsoft's new operating system (beta) is going to be made available to the public today. The problematic part is that they're only going to allow 2.5 million downloads. That, of course, is before you start installing and actually using Windows 7 beta, which should provide you with numerous additional problems, which is why I suggest you donate about 100€ for this problem.

Join the YouTube Symphony Orchestra - the world's first collaborative online orchestra. Do you play an instrument? If yes, just follow the instructions on http://www.youtube.com/symphony and you might end up playing in Carnegie Hall, otherwise enjoy the additional free problem of having to learn an instrument! The deadline is January 28, which puts this problem in the 5000€ category. BTW, the new donation button is in the column on your right.

Don't forget to come back soon for additional free problems!

*Oh great. I thought I was smart for noticing the similarities between this movie from 1997 and a website created last year. Then I googled for the link to FTD.de (FTD's site search is a joke) and also found this article on Zeit.de where one of the founders openly admits the idea comes from "The Game". :|

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