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The world's most important questions - with answers


The world's most important questions - with answers

Permalink 12:03:26 by Stephan, Categories: English

1. Get questions

Why is theGoogle.com

2. Ask Cleverbot

User: Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?
Cleverbot: Because you killed him or someone did.

User: Why is the sky blue?
Cleverbot: Because that was the cheapest color.

User: Why is the ocean salty?
Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Why is the world going to end in 2012?
Cleverbot: My people, the aliens, will take over.

User: Why is the sky blue (short answer)?
Cleverbot: Because the scattering of the light particles causes blue light to be reflected in the sky. Making the sky blue.

User: Why is there fuzz on a tennis ball?
Cleverbot: Because it takes 2 to tango.

User: Why is there no J street in DC?
Cleverbot: No there are no limits the sky is the limits.

User: Why is there a barcode on Google?
Cleverbot: Idk. Why is there a ribbon in my hair?

User: Why is there a worm in tequila?
Cleverbot: It looks nice.

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