Wouldn’t it be nice if you could open a map, zoom in and find all videos made by travel YouTubers made in that location?
This is exactly what tubetrotter.live offers. While by no means complete, it lets you find videos from travel channels on a map. Here’s an example using Luxembourg:

I’m not going to deny it – my love for traveling has been severely curtailed by the ongoing risk of catching “a cold” or “allergies”on a flight and then spending my entire vacation feeling like crap (and that would not even be the worst-case scenario). These travel videos help fill a void that the lack of first-hand travel experiences has left.
Even if you dislike travel youtubers, this map can help you find hotspots where they tend to congregate, so that you can go somewhere else.
I hope this useful website will grow or at least stick around until this blog post disappears from the front page.